Pricing and Packages


INDIVIDUAL LESSONS - Stagecraft or Singing

1 hour session:$70

45 minute session:  $60

30 minute session:$40

Reward Card: $630 for 10 x 1 hour sessions  or  $360 for 10 x 30 minute sessions

N.B. 10 session card must be purchased in full in advance and then stamped for each lesson attended.

Sessions purchased as part of Packages are excluded.


Canzonetta: 4 x 1 hour sessions

This package is perfect when you have only one aria that you need to prepare for a competition. Most singers would require 3 x 1 hour sessions to add depth to the characterisation and gain confidence in their interpretation. At the first session, you will perform the aria and then start delving into the text with Leslie (without singing) to discover what the aria is really about.

$250 (a discount of over 10%)

Vincerò: 6 x 1 hour sessions

You have 2-3 arias that you need to prepare. Following the pattern of text exploration set by the Canzonetta Package, you will gain confidence in the techniques learned and will need less and less time on each aria as a consequence. So instead of requiring 8 sessions, you should only need 6! That’s already a saving of up to $210!

$350 (a discount of 20%)

Which package is right for you?

  1. For audition or competition preparation, look at the Canzonetta or Vincero packages and select the one that suits the number of arias required.

  2. For singing exams, I would suggest the VIncero package, though it will depend on the number of items required in your exam.

  3. For a complete role, consider the Reward card or 2 x Vincero packages

  4. If you are serious about your stagecraft and characterisation but would like more flexibility, then the Reward card would suit you best.


Payment can be made in cash at the lesson or by direct deposit. For the latter, payment must be received prior to the scheduled lesson.

Email or call to book your place